
F.H. Paschen Named Most Inclusive Contractor of the Year

Maryland Washington Minority Companies Association, Inc. (MWMCA), an organization created to advance minority-owned firms, has named Paschen the “Most Inclusive Prime Contractor of the Year.” This honor underscores Paschen’s long-time commitment to community engagement, diversity and inclusion through their philosophy of creating real opportunities for all.

“Inclusion is important in broad terms because it allows small businesses owners who have been historically disadvantaged opportunities, but on a more personal level it means women and men can feed their families,” MWMCA President Wayne Frazier said. “Paschen is doing things differently than other primes. They are bringing the same attitude of inclusion that they’ve fostered throughout their company for many years.”

As part of the company culture, Paschen has committed to exceeding MBE/DBE/WBE project goals, in addition to hiring a diverse team throughout the organization.

Paschen’s accomplishment was formally recognized on May 11, 2018 at the MWMCA’s 15th Annual Spring Breakfast in Baltimore.

To read our press release, click here.

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